That chocolate cupcake has been calling your name all afternoon. Yes, it’s time for your sugar break before you hit “the work wall”, and you know what? It’s fine. There is, believe it or not, an allotted amount of sugar your body can consume each day, but the problem is we love excess, don’t we? Love it…

Much can be debated on genetically modified or engineered foods, but really anything that is grown using toxic pesticide spray we’re gonna take a pass on. It’s just not justifiable to ingest something that can also make an insect explode, but hey if you’re into that sort of thing go right ahead. The First Lady,…

We need to talk. Don’t you hate hearing those words? But seriously we need to talk. You know like the time your high school sweetheart wanted to talk and dumped you right before the prom. Well, this is kind of the same conversation only instead of breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, it’s breaking…

Food. Family. Fun. That’s about the order of priority around the holidays, but if you (like most) are worried about gaining those few extra pounds over December, we’ve got a few tips for you. It doesn’t have to be a blue Christmas this year with bland foods that taste like cardboard, but take the initiative to…

Why do flu shot campaigns feel like propaganda? Probably because they are. Flu shots and vaccinations are pushed so heavily because they help to line the pockets of the rich doctors and pharmaceutical companies who give them out – packaged and marketed perfectly to those who feel they desperately need it. We just have one tiny…

Are you a chronic texter? What about your kids? Maybe you enjoy reading books on your tablet for hours on end. Pay close attention to what comes next because it’s going to save you a lot of future headaches, quite literally. We’re not saying throw out your cell phone or Kindle, but being aware of how…

When spring and summer attack….sounds like a bad movie. There’s nothing worse than allergy season if you happen to be one of the 50 million people in America that sufferfrom allergies. According to the College of Asthma and Immunology, allergies are actually the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. Wow! These statistics…

Pumpkin season has finally arrived, so we thought it appropriate to carve out some time for dishing out some impressive health benefits of this yummy seasonal favorite. No more feeling anxious about what you’re bringing to family gatherings, now you can feel good about all of your pumpkin recipes this fall and brag away about…

When thinking about being healthy, what’s the FIRST thing most people think about? It’s food and exercise, right? Not to say that those aren’t important, but if you’re NOT thinking about your spine you’re missing out on the foundational piece of building good health. So how exactly can we promote good spinal health? Here are…